Funny and endearing stories come to life through the engaging harmony of music, featuring animated characters crafted in the traditional style of Chilean artistry. This series has become a timeless favorite among children not only in Chile but throughout Latin America.
TIKITIKLIP is a children’s TV format that blends music, animation, and poetic narratives. It creatively brings to life elements of heritage like Chilean craftsmanship and pre-Columbian art, turning them into animated characters who star in witty, humorous, and meaningful tales.
Created by Alejandra Egaña and Paz Puga, the series boasts two seasons: TIKITIKLIP con elenco artesanal y TIKITIKLIP Precolombino.
12 eps. x 2,5 min
Dirección: Alejandra Egaña y Paz Puga.
Producción Ejecutiva: Alejandra Egaña y Paz Puga.
Lirics: María de la Luz Uribe.
Música: Miranda y Tobar.
Vocals: Constanza Lüer, Magdalena Mathey, Elisa Montes, Víctor Flores y otros.
Producción: Ojitos Producciones, 2006.
- 1st category award Prix Jeunesse Iberoamericano Festival, 2005.
- Prix Jeunesse International Festival, Official selection, 2006, Munich, Germany.
- International selection INPUT International Public TV Screening Conference, 2006, Taipei.
- Nueva Mirada Film Festival, official selection, Argentina 2006.
- Grant Fund CNTV 2004 and Grand Fund of Music 2008, Chile.
Tolín Tolín Tolán
One day a little girl goes out for a walk, suddenly her shoes give her a great surprise.
Craftsmanship in shells from lloca, and Port of Valparaíso,
Brigadier Trifaldón
Brigadier Trifaldon and his battalion of tiny yellow seeds find themselves face to face with a stern ant commander and his formidable army.
Based on the street paintings of the Ramona Parra Brigade,
Mister Crispín
Mister Crispin carries a mysterious briefcase when he goes out to Pim Pim Park.
Based on Talagante ceramics and hand embroidery from
Lihueimo, Chile.
In the Atacama Desert, two siblings are born and grow up together
Toconao volcanic stone handicraft and Aymara textiles, Chile.
Quita and Pon Hanging by a Thread
Siblings Quita and Pon get involved in a risky adventure at Chiloé’s sea.
Pilén pottery and architecture and sceneries from Chiloé, Chile.
Silly Perico
Perico tries to accomplish his mother’s chores, but he can’t help failing.
Pomaire’s pottery and Chimbarongo’s wickerwork, Chile.
Trip to Concepción
This is the straightforward tale of a very tangled journey to Concepción.
Pottery craftsmanship from Quinchamali, Chile.
A Demure Young Lady
A very refined young lady is sad because she has lost her beloved frog. What could bring her happiness back?
Craftsmanship in horsehair from Rari, Chile.
Quita and Pon with Goose
Siblings Quit and Pon experience a very frightening night.
Pottery from Pilén and textiles and basketry from Chiloé, Chile.
The Paper King
The magnificent Paper King invites a Mapuche girl to tour his endangered paper kingdom.
Based on Mapuche iconography and garments.
The Little Sparrows
Little Sparrow still hasn’t learned how to fly or play guitar as his siblings do. His parents are disappointed, but they’ll get a big surprise.
Boqui basketry from San José de la Mariquina, Chile.
Ship in the Harbour
In the port of Valparaíso, a boy watches as a ship, initially small, grows larger as it approaches the port.
Patchwork tapestries (arpilleras) from Melipilla, Chile.