Los siete libros álbum de esta colección provienen de la serie de televisión infantil TIKITIKLIP Precolombino.

Los protagonistas de cada de libro están inspirados en piezas de arte de distintos pueblos y civilizaciones de América exhibidas en el Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino.


Año: 2011

Historia original: Alejandra Egaña y Paz Puga

Textos: Anna Witte y Juana Puga

Ilustraciones: Vanessa Brown, Paloma Valdivia, Ricardo Cuevas.

Editorial: Ojitos Producciones

20 x 25 cm / Tapa blanda


Sapo Feo

En Chavín de Huántar, Sapo canta y canta; y cuando Sapo canta, todos bailan y cantan junto a él. Sin embargo, un día Sapo descubre algo que lo entristece y deja de cantar. Historia basada en Cultura Chavín.

Nucci, Mané y Tilán

Nucci, Mané, and Tilán bolt from the Pre-Columbian art museum where they’re exhibited, setting off on an adventure that will alter the destiny of a bustling metropolis. Story based on the culture of Valdivia.

El astrónomo y Sacnicté

Perched atop a Maya observatory, an astronomer grapples with loneliness. Weary of gazing at the celestial sphere, he shifts his focus downward, discovering the mysteries of the jungle below. Based on pottery of Maya Culture and the archaeological site of Palenque.

Pelícano rey

In the ancient realm of Chan Chan, ruler King Pelican harbored one forbidden desire: go out to the sea to fish. Story based on Chimú Culture.

Poki y Taki

Every evening, since their childhood, Poki and Taki get
together to chat. However, one evening Poki doesn’t show up. Despite this, Taki patiently awaits his friend, unaware of what might have befallen him. Story based on Moche Culture.

Colibrí y la lluvia

The land has dried out. Hummingbird seeks aid from
Pachamama to locate water and quench the thirst of her
desperate chicks. Storv based on Nasca Culture

Cara de chapulín

In the pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacán, a boy receives a
precious treasure, one he must safeguard from a looming
threat: his own elder brother. Story based on Teotihuacán